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The One Abs Exercise You Need To Start Doing

Denial Brain / /

Planks, mountain climbers, V-ups…yeah, yeah, yeah. They’re all great exercises for targeting your abs. But so is the crab twist exercise below—and we bet it’s a move you haven’t seen before.

So when you’re looking for a quick core routine, try busting out a few reps of this ~spicy~ abs exercise below from The Barre Code. All you need is a few feet of space and a couple of minutes, and you’ll definitely feel the burn in your lower abs muscles and obliques.

Here’s how to do it:

The Crab Twist – do 10 reps on each side

Start in a seated position with your right leg bent, and right foot flat on the floor. Extend your left leg long at a diagonal and reach your right hand toward the ceiling, shifting weight into your left hand.
As you exhale, press into your left hand, lifting your seat and left leg off the floor at the same time.
Twist through your core and reach your right hand to touch your left toe. Then, with control, lower back to the floor to return to your starting position.
That’s 1 rep, do 10. Then switch sides. If you time, repeat both sides one to two more times.
Ahhh, here’s to those abs of steel!

Denial Brain

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